When women come to me feeling a little bit lost, after suffering some sort of ending or drastic change in their lives, they often feel low self esteem, creativity blocks , difficulty expressing themselves , emotional pain, lack of confidence… and very common phrases I hear is: “How do I find myself again?” And “how do I gain my self confidence back?” “I was never this person before… I lost myself ” or “ I forgot about myself” “ I let myself down” “How did I allow this to go on for this long” .
Every time I hear this phrases I always think “ wow I remember feeling exactly this way”
And the one thing I always say to my clients , to my friends, to the ladies in my life is we start by healing, and we start this healing by finding our way back home, to our feminine energy.
Understanding that being vulnerable is one of the bravest and most powerful things we can be.
Our feminine energy allows us to be receptive, creative, empathic, fertile ( in every area of our lives) when a woman is in her feminine energy everything she nurtures grows, gives fruit, becomes abundant. Understanding that we are at our most powerful when we are vibrating in our feminine.
So here I share some small changes we can do to access that energy and embody that feminine energy, call our power back and bring out that self esteem and confidence.
1- Romanticise your life, whatever is your idea of romance do it from you to you, a solo dinner in a nice place, a coffee and a walk in the park, a cute picnic on a sunny day, buy yourself flowers… remember this is for yourself- its a solo journey.
2- Self care- take time for pampering yourself, run a bath with essential oils or rose petals, play some mantras , visualise your perfect scenario of what pure bliss means to you.
3-Movement- Moving our body is so important and specially our feminine body that stores so many emotions, dance sensually, go for walks in nature, observe the sounds, the smell, the visuals… move your hips, do somatic workouts, pilates, yoga, our hips is where we usually store emotions and traumas, move those hips and get that energy flowing.
4- Meditate, do breathing exercises, practice tantra , yoga Nidra , this can be found on YouTube in short videos you can do from home.
5- Dress up, do your hair, apply minimal makeup , anything that makes you feel more feminine in your physical body.
6- Essential oils are amazing to incorporate in your daily routine as it awakens your feminine senses, rose oil is known to be good for your heart space, rub a little on your heart space and set an intention for the day, lavender is another beautiful calming oil
that balances our energy.
7- Do creative activities- This one I find so important, feminine energy is creation, our creative energy is very much connected to our creativity, doing things like art, painting, sculpting , pottery, writing and other creative activities can really open so many doors and bring so much clarity.
8- Journaling , writing your emotions, how your day went, where you are in life, where you want to get, your goals, achievements , manifestations, things you are grateful for… poems… anything your heart desires, writing is magic in so many ways, we unload, we dream, we access, we see our progress- its beautiful!
9- Words of affirmation, we must believe before we can become and not the other way around so start saying it out loud, in the mirror, in the car, in your head, just say it- think it and make it a mantra that gets stuck in your brain’
‘ I am beautiful’ ‘ I am attractive’ ‘ I’m abundant’ ‘I am creative’ ‘ I am strong and fearless’
‘I am enough’ ‘ I am perfect just the way I am’ ‘I am feminine and that’s my power’ ‘ I have healthy boundaries and I’m respected’ - you get the point!
10- Pray. For this one I think we don’t need to go too deep, a prayer is a conversation between you and the higher power - whatever that means for you, whatever you believe in, open your heart, ask for help, say what you are grateful for, be vulnerable, be open , let it all out and be open to receive.